This is sickening and once again proves ignorance is truly a disease. A sick mind is dangerous in the hands of a man with no sense of self or respect for humanity. The mother in me is boiling at the destruction of innocent souls who cannot begin to understand why they are being persecuted.
Imagine these young souls being branded witches at such a young age, what does the future hold for them? I must add, the Nigerian official should be sacked and never allowed to hold public office. The plum has no idea what’s going on in his own backyard let alone what childcare involves.
My spirit cries and my soul bleeds for these young children. This is ungodly as far as I am concerned and its a low down dirty shame. If anyone tells you to pay a fee to in order to get delivered, then you ought to run for your life.
A child with disability being branded a witch, that is sad but a story I have heard so many times and experienced with my own eyes.