Nollybooks: Let’s Get Reading Again

It is rather sad that the idea of reading is still relegated to school days. When you stop reading, you stop learning. The statistics in this report are disappointing and it is really shameful that people don’t feel the need to read anymore. Without a doubt, not every book you come across is for you but make an effort to read something worthwhile. The book market is full of diverse genres, are you saying there is nothing for you in spite of the different titles you come across? Bottom line and let’s call a spade a spade, it is laziness!

However, I hope Nollybooks regardless of the genre or chick-lit name attached to it gets young people reading again. I must add, if selling 5,000 copies is what will make your book a bestseller, we all need to find our way to South Africa…just kidding, that figure is dismal and not very encouraging.  We can do better, let’s get the ball rolling and get the kids and the Y generation reading again.