The question of who should take responsibility for these heinous crimes in my opinion is straight forward. The very same people who committed the crimes should pay for their actions.
They must realise that actions and decisions have consequences and when you do wrong, you don’t get a way with it. Listening to both interviews made me sick to my stomach. What has become of us? Is this what we have been reduced to, raping women, left, right and centre and taking pride that we can get away with it. I know there is a protracted war and it must come to an end. However, does the fact that there is an ongoing war, mean we have lost all sense of reasoning and humanity?
Reminds me of an email I sent to someone a little while back when we were discussing the same issue.
I had to ask him, what kind of a man forgets that he has sisters, a wife and a mother, and the minute he breaks into another woman, he is violating his own bloodline?
What kind of a man decides to perpetuate generations of pain by using rape as a weapon of war? And what do you call a man who forgets that real men don’t rape, a real man makes love to a woman, not cause her pain.
What kind of man forgets that a woman is indeed fragile and I don’t mean that in the sense of her being weak or that she cannot be her own person. What I am saying is that the minute you rape a woman, no matter how strong she is, you have broken her down and it takes everything to build her back up.
What kind of a man rapes to prove his manhood and brags about his actions as away of showing he has authority? Unless I am hallucinating, he is nothing but an imbecile, a hoodlum, thug and the lowest form of shit and some more. I could go on and on about what he is because I am that angry. It is sickening when you hear these kinds of reports.
I agree with these women that the only people who can heal the Congolese communities where these crimes are taking place are the Congolese themselves. You cannot change what you do not confront and how can heal when you think there is nothing wrong with you?
No matter how much money the UN pumps into its programmes, until the men who commit these crimes change their mindset, the paralysis going on in these communities will continue. I understand there is a lot at stake in this war financially for all those gaining from it. They too need to be punished for their involvement, I don’t care if they disguise themselves as foreign investors or what have you. And to think, men are also getting raped is appalling. What are we doing to ourselves?
What is this war about in the first place because I don’t get it? The jokers who are fighting, do they ever get tired? If their aim is to get land for their people, they are hurting the very people they claim to be fighting for. The Congolese government needs to wake up from its slumber and help the women who are suffering this horrendous humiliation.
It has gone on and on and on. When and where do we draw the line?