Democracy Is A Farce. International Transparency Is A Farce. China, Please, Grow Up!

An alarming title for a post but since the world media is expert at creating sensational, alarmist headlines, I would like to indulge with them on this occasion.  After all the Economist, once had a cover declaring, Africa: A Hopeless Continent. Where do I start, let’s see, my beloved Africa would be a good place but where in Africa since it is a continent of over 50 nations. Contrary to popular belief that Africa is a country, it is indeed a landscape with borders and boundaries, which indicates there are many countries on this exotic Island of some sort.

I know,  Egypt would be a good place to start. President Hosni Mubarak’s National Democratic Party (NDP) has won 83% of the seats in the parliamentary election which has been marred by fraud and widespread violence. The opposition parties did not take part in the second round of the ballot at the polls. If that was not bad enough, members of the Brotherhood Party were also rounded up before the election. Now, if the parliament is made up primarily of uncle Mubarak’s party, then next year’s presidential election is going to be a piece of cake for the NDP. What a shame that the name of the party has Democratic in it. Democratic crap.  No disrespect to you uncle Mubarak but you have been president for close to 30 years, don’t you think handing power over to someone else would be a good idea?

Mr Mubarak’s stronghold on power in Egypt once again demonstrates Africa’s leadership problems. We elect and celebrate vagabonds. By the way, uncle Mubarak, I’m not saying you are a vagabond. I’m simply referring to the general mediocre leadership populace of Africa and I hope you believe me when I say that I have nothing against you on a personal level. To prove my point, I hope you are a whole lot better for there were rumours back in July that you were not feeling too great.  On that note, please, I would like to ask for a huge favour. Please, would you be so kind to release those, who were recently arrested for protesting from detention. I hope you can grant me this one wish being that I have never asked you for anything.

Next, Ivory Coast, where Laurent Gbagbo has once again reminded us of the farce that is democracy, especially, when marauding clowns who call themselves leaders do not recognise when their time is up and bow out gracefully. Leaders, who think their leadership is defined by power, forgetting that a true leader is one who turns back and has millions behind him, not because he scared the shit out of them to follow him but because they believe in him. Gbagbo, look behind you, everyone is asking you to go. The current leaders we have don’t know how to raise other leaders. Their only concern and specialty is creating political dynasties of assholes, who continue with the raping and looting of generations to come. Before the political deadlock and tensions escalates into another war and take Ivory Coast back into the abyss of chaos, Gbago please go. Ivory Coast has been through enough turmoil and disorder.

There is dignity when you bow out with respect and appreciation for the masses that have decided your time is up. How can a nation function with two presidents and two set of cabinets. Gbagbo, Confucius would be confused by the reality of such futile existence. It is time to go…

And so, I move to my next beef for the day, Julian Assange, poor boy.  Surely, you knew this whole airing of US dirty laundry was not going to be easy. I hope you counted the cost before you embarked on it because they are coming after you and they are coming after you real hard. I must be honest that I have questioned your motives for doing this. Are you really a global truth ambassador just another alarmist that will soon fade off our radial? Whatever the case may be and your reason for doing this, which I understand you say is because you want the world to know the truth, I hope that is indeed the truth. I came to the understanding a long time ago that truth and transparency from a global point of view can also be a farce when it benefits a few and not the suffering majority.

Surprisingly, I got the email below, an hour ago and it reads…

Dear friends of Frontline, many of you will have seen Julian Assange and the Wikileaks people at Frontline. I wanted to copy you the press release that I sent out today. Very best, Vaughan

“I attended court today to offer my support for Julian Assange of Wikileaks on a point of principle.

“In the face of a concerted attempt to shut him down and after a decade since 9/11 that has been characterised by manipulation of the media by the authorities, the information released by Wikileaks is a refreshing glimpse into an increasingly opaque world.”

The Frontline Club was founded seven years ago to stand for independence and transparency.

Recent informal canvassing of many of our more than 1,500 members at the Frontline Club suggests almost all are supportive of our position.

I am suspicious of the personal charges that have been made against Mr Assange and hope that this will be properly resolved by the courts. Certainly no credible charges have been brought regarding the leaking of the information itself.

I can confirm that Mr Assange has spent much of  the last several months working from our facilities at the Frontline Club. Earlier today I offered him an address for bail.

7pm. Tuesday 7 December. —

Vaughan Smith

I hope they all stand by you till the end. Let’s be honest, the charges against you are indeed a joke and given the current climate that surrounds Wikileaks and your work, they are nothing but trumped-up-charges to cage you. On the other hand, I hope you have not used your weapon against any woman. I detest men who disrespect women in a vile way and if it turns out that you did these things…they can fry you for all I care.

I also hope the media outlets carrying your banner stay with you, those who are talking about how you have changed journalism and those who are doing the court rounds with you. I hope you don’t become another pun in their tea cup. We all know how they love you one minute and dump you the next. By the way, sorry to hear your asset has been frozen, I hope you get some money soon.  This must be a whole lot for one man. I would like to see how it all turns out.

Whatever the case maybe, at least we all now know what we have always known. The news media gives us partial truth and our governments, oh well, once a liar, always a liar…but I do enjoy reading the descriptions of different world leaders and my favourite revelations so far is the UK paranoia about US/UK special relationship. It sure isn’t so special after all 🙂

Finally, I end with China. Oh China, how you confuse me, make me laugh and at the same time, force me to hate thee for you truly behave like a child throwing a tantrum. But I don’t blame you. How can I? At a time when you are fast becoming a super-power, you are trading with Africa like never before, I bet you think you are doing the continent a favour and more than ever, you are commanding authority.  It baffles me that the West has rescinded on its call that you are open and democratic, and less vocal with its human rights campaign since you are buying their silence with your wealth.  Ban Ki Moon came to visit you a few weeks back and did not raise the issue of human rights publicly to avoid offending you. David Cameroon came to do business and he told the media they were discussing the issue of human rights in private. If you believe that, then you will believe the devil is a virgin…

So, I come to your current tantrum throwing party over Liu Xiaobo and his Nobel Peace Prize. Can I ask, that you please grow up and stop acting like a child whose sweetie has been taken from him. If you don’t want to attend the forthcoming ceremony, don’t. I doubt your presence will be missed. I am not surprsied by the countries who have taken your lead…the leaders of these nations are all dictators, clowned with the ideology of democracy that does not exist. Oh, sorry, I forgot, they all have economic interest with thee and would hate to fall foul of you. However, over 30 nations will be attending, surely that says a lot about the fact that we are not all wrong. This gives me hope about the prevailing common sense of the humanity which still exist…the way I see it, you are the prisoner not Liu Xiaobo. You are the one shitting your pants about one man, who happens to be in prison.  You may have the physical power to lock him up but if you really think about it and I mean really think about it, you are the prisoner. A prisoner of self because you cannot stand to be honest that you are dead wrong. On this note, I say to the UN and UK government, who in recent times have entered the bed of hypocrisy with you…shame on you because I bet if it was an African nation, you would stand side by side with the president of the nation and give a public speech about their human rights and  corruption history. Hilary Clinton’s visit to Nigeria serves as a good example on that front. Though Nigeria had it coming, she would not dare pull that crap in China, would she?? I do hope all those getting into bed with China are wearing the right condoms for protection 🙂 Oooops, my bad, just being cheeky…

Nevertheless, I remember the decision of Cellou Dalein Diallo, to accept the results of the recent Guinea elections though he still feels cheated…that has has helped to calm my exacerbating anger for the day. I best get out of here. Tired of all these political hallelujah boys and drama.