A Fighting Chance

The first time I heard the song, ‘I Hope You Dance,’ by LeAnn Womack, I fell in love and I’m still in love with the song. The words hit me and they hit me hard and the line, ‘Promise Me You Will Give Faith A Fighting Chance,’ has stayed with me ever since. I googled up the same song and realised, it was quite an old song. I believe it was on one of her albums by the same title in 2002. But you see, when something is new to you, it has a different meaning or level of significance attached to it.

I have read the lyrics on the internet over and over, and every word, every line and every verse is so powerful, it is hard to say this part is my favouyrite or that section does it for me. The whole song is amazing, not because of the rhythm but the words.  For exmaple, ‘Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens.’ A profound statement about life and the way we carry on figthing in order to overcome or reach the next goal?

‘Promise me you’ll give faith a fighting chance’ and ‘And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.’ What can I say about these two lines? They are self explanatory. I need not say more or less because I know you get it. However, My aim today is not to analyse Womack’s song. It is simply to tell you, if you will allow me and of course, myself that in 2010 and the new decade we just stepped into, to give life a chance. Give yourself a fighting chance. A chance to dream, a chance to inhale and exhale. A chance to make mistakes and learn though failure is not an option. You must get up and try again. A chance to take risks and succeed. A chance to love and fall in love with yourself, life, those around you and if a signifcant other comes along, give him or her a chance at love.  If you are already married, give your marriage a chance. If you have children who have hurt and broken your heart because they went down the wrong path, don’t give them up but give them a chance. Give yourself a chance to forgive,  a chance to smile and a chance to laugh. Give yourself a chance to come out of your comfort zone and give those around you a fighting chance. A chance to know you and you, get to know them.

And when you are given choices, don’t chicken out, fight all the way and do what makes you happy. But don’t ‘just’ be happy. Be joyful. Happiness is based on happenings but joy, that is from deep within no matter what’s going on around you.

Give life a chance the same way life has given you 2010 to be all that you want to be. Give hope a chance and whatever you do, don’t give up on yourself. I know I won’t. And so, dance with me as I dance with LeAnn Womack and don’t apologise for dancing either because you are going to step on some toes.

I Hope You Dance