We have come so far but we still have a long way to go. From Nigeria to South Africa to India, three countries with staggering statistics. I would like to believe the day will come, when more people have access to treatment and those already infected will no longer be stigmastised or live in shame. Aids is a disease not a sin. Traditional healers need to stop feeding people with lies and religious leaders from all faiths need to be honest with people too. Personally, I believe in miracles but that does not mean I have stopped taking my medication as an individual who lives with health challenges.
Young people, you all need to be more aware and stop being frivolous with their lives. You have so much to live for, you are the next generation. I cannot stop you from having sex but you can at least love yourself enough, to protect yourself. Ladies, before you spread your legs for any man, ask the right questions no matter how embarrassing or uncomfortable they are. Brothers, before you get carried away and start dipping your weapon into her like your life depends on it…you better find out where she has been. You cannot sleep with dogs and complain that you have fleas on you. Men and women need to be honest with each other. Married men, stop dipping it into every whore and hole you find because it is free. It could cost you, your life and family. And ladies, ladies, ladies, respecting yourself, goes a long way. It could be the difference between staying alive and dying early. For those of us, who are healthy and have no worries, we can help in many ways from donating towards better care for those who are affected to giving those around us a hand…and where Africa is concerned, attitudes need to change! The current battle ground for lives is in Africa. We cannot sit back and wait for hand me down. Education, education and more education to make more people aware and let them know how they can protect themselves. However, the fact remains that African governments and leaders need to invest in the continent’s healthcare…To be forewarned is to be foretold…