According to Sunni Patterson, ‘We Made It.’ Listening to the above piece reminded me of a piece I wrote a while back. I’m practically going down memory lane with this one, it is from my raging days. Don’t get comfortable, I still have that fire but I have grown up since 2007 when I wrote this. However, it is still a good piece and I still believe that as human beings and individuals, we are much more than the colour of our skin or place of birth. They are just boxes to be ticked off and geographical locations. What matters is what’s in your heart. By no means take that to be a suggestion that you should deny your heritage. Please embrace, celebrate and nurture it but don’t make it the benchmark by which you define yourself or others. Talk about your heritage with pride. If you don’t, who will?
Ignorance has been earth for as long as I can remember and I don’t think it will be going on holiday any time soon. When I wrote the piece below, there was furore going on in the UK because a certain Indian celebrity had been mistreated in the television reality show, ‘Celebrity Big Brother.’ Other contestants had shown disrespect by being racist, I mean effigies were being burnt, government officials got involved, even the Prime minister, dang! Talk about outrage, the irony is, the celebrities in the house/show, had no idea their actions were causing such a stir in the real world. They were in their ‘Lala’ land while the rest of us had to put up with this nonsense on the news and do I dare say newsworthy stories that mattered were ignored.
The drama made me think about our ability to define ourselves – not by skin colour or place of birth but the substance of what you stand for. For crying out loud, I am African. I will always be African and I love being African. It forms a huge part of who I am but that is not the yardstick by which I measure my existence on earth. I am a human being with character, intellect and by all means my own peculiar idiosyncrasies…so, if you are still questioning my colour then let me define it for you a little.
So What I’m BLACK
My BLACk is power
My BLACK is strength
My BLACK is beauty
My BLACK is survival
So, what I’m BLACK
My BLACK is a field of dreams
MY BLACK is the audacity of my hope
The boldness and confidence of my tomorrow
So, What I’m Black
My BLACK is freedom not slavery
My BLACK is boldness not docility or conformity and certainly not stupidity
And my BLACK is not aloofness
MY BLACK is Power.
Still bothered about my colour?
So, What I’m BLACK
My BLACK refuses to be boxed up
I refuse to be silent
I’ll say it on the roof top
Yes I’m black
But I’m much more than my colour
I am a human being with potential
Making a mark, building a legacy
Still bothered about my colour?
Sorry I can’t help you with that
Not my problem
Never will be
Come too far
Been through too much hell
To allow you box me up
Still Bothered about my colour?
Guess what?
My Black is not slavery
My BLACK is not inferior
My BLACK is power
MY BLACK is beauty
My BLACK is intelligent
And my BLACK is freedom
So What I’m BLACK
(C) 2007 Belinda Otas
Ps: who would have thought…two/three years down the line, a black man would be president of the most powerful nation on earth, thus, making him the most powerful man in the world. Hahaha! That’s one of the best jokes ever.