The Africa Report

The Africa ReportThe first time I bought The Africa Report, I was a student. I picked it up at WH Smith and was instantly drawn to it. It was the first magazine with the sole purpose of telling stories about Africa that I had ever seen inside WH Smith. It was when I went back the following month that I saw The New African. I was doubly excited. Over what you ask? magazines?? Yes, I was excited about magazines with Africa as its focus.  They are the two magazines with Africa as its primary focus that  I studied religiously while at university for writing style and learning the trade. I never conceived the idea that I would one day write for them.  But in the world of freelance, there is a boldness and confidence you suddenly develop because you have to get out there to stay relevant for your own sanity not because you have a point to prove.

So, I did what I now do so well, called them up and asked for the best person to pitch ideas to. When I got off the phone, I typed an email to introduce myself. As you know, editors are busy people. I waited for a few days and when I didn’t get a response, I got double bold and sent an idea in.

I was confident about my idea and pitch but as you know people are different. Low and behold, I went out one day, came back and there was a nice email in my inbox. They liked my idea and as I recall,  they had been meaning to get back to me about my first email.

So, when I got an envelope in the post this week, with three copies of the latest edition, I was so giddy and like a child, flicked through the pages to get to where my piece was. I almost fell over. I have had a double page spread in a magazine before but to have 4 pages with my work, that’s a new territory. And, it feels so good. To make things sweeter, this issue has an international edition and a  special edition for Ghana. What more can a girl ask for? 🙂

So, go out and grab a copy of The Africa Report. Well worth every penny. I read the piece, The Accidental President, I am sure you know who that is. The man the piece was about likes to wear a black hat and he is described as amiable with a big smile. 🙂

You will enjoy my art piece about the Ivorian Photographer, Paul Sika. What are you waiting for, go and get a copy!

  1. Congrats Belinda 🙂 I know that feeling…you end up smiling almost throughout the day, if not longer–without any real reason.
    There are many more territories…more 2come 🙂

  2. Thanks Temi, and oh yes to many more territories, do you know any? let’s conquer together. 🙂

  3. Greetings Belinda,

    Today, my sister saw and read the article you made of me in THE AFRICA REPORT… and she cried.

    Paul Sika
    “Multimedia Prodigy from Ivory Coast” — The New York Times

  4. Congrats B!
    This is great news. I like the Africa Report. Someday when I grow up, I will write for them 🙂
    I’ll go look for this edition!


  5. T, you finally dropped a comment. ha! this month is a month of wonders. ha! ha! ha! Thanks. You are already grown up T, so start writing. lol!!! Let me know what you think of the piece eh!

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