“My Country,” a three-part documentary on Nigeria produced and presented by Funmi Iyanda will broadcast on BBC World, 9 and 16 October respectively.
In celebration of Nigeria’s 50th anniversary, the BBC will air this three-part documentary which captures people and conversations around Nigeria. Embark on an epic journey around Nigeria and discover authentic Nigerian stories told from the Nigerian perspective. So far, “My Country” has captured the heart and spirit of the Nigerian people, engaging them in eye-opening and down to earth conversations about their unique Nigerian experiences.
My Country captures the stories of various Nigerians – from ordinary citizens going about their business to celebrities in unusual but natural settings to hard hitting stories of the day to day challenges. The documentary is directed by the award winning documentary filmmaker, Chris Dada.
For eight years, Funmi Iyanda produced and hosted Nigeria’s most acclaimed studio talk show, New Dawn, before launching Talk With Funmi, a platform, where authentic Nigerian stories told by Nigerians could be heard. “I truly believe that nobody can tell our stories the way we can. It is time we Nigerians to tell our own stories with knowledge, intellect, creativity and truth.”
The first part of the documentary “Lagos Stories” aired on BBC World on Saturday 2 October 5:10am and 6:10pm and was repeated on Sunday 3 October at 11:10am and 12:10am. The last two episodes, 2 and 3 will air on 9 October and 16 October, at 05:10am and 6:10pm.