Muammar Gaddafi, has been in power longer than I have bee alive. I am often baffled by our ability as human beings to tolerate people like him among other African autocrats who have fallen like flies in recent weeks. Is it fear that keeps us bound and enslaved to them or is that we just don’t know when to change our minds and say enough is enough? Gaddafi is a man I find fascinating from his looks to his rants. For starters, he looks like a mannequin and his ebullient rants are very embarrassing and show him up as a clown. But he is mere mortal and touchable. He is Africa’s longest serving leader, yet the achievement where the people are concerned are dismal. Hence I wonder and ask, what has he been doing with the people’s resources? For decades he has tormented the people of Libya but we all know when your time is up, your time is up. As far as I am concerned, what started in Tunisia, which is now having a ripple effect as far as Bahrain, the dictator’s days are numbered…
I found this edition of Inside Story, from Al Jazeera interesting based on the views of the panel, watch and make up your mind.