Learning To Wait

waitI hate waiting

I hate waiting on people

I hate waiting on anyone to make-up their mind

I hate the waiting time  it takes to hear the outcome of a query

I hate waiting to hear about the outcome of an interview

I hate that my heart beats in ways I cannot control when I have to wait

I hate waiting when important decisions about my life are being made by people I do not know.

I hate waiting on the doctor’s report

I hate waiting, no questions asked, no two ways about it

The experience of being a single woman best defines how I hate waiting

For it is a hard and painful process because of the lessons you learn

And though I hate waiting I have had no choice but to wait

It is unheard of that a woman married herself

And in waiting, there have been experiences

That left me bitter with a bile taste in my mouth

But I have waited because life refused to fast forward my season

In my waiting time, I have learnt to love myself

Define how I want to be treated

Expand and broaden my horizons

Come out of my comfort zone

Learn to treat others with respect

For what I give is what I get

And my reality is a reflection of my actions

Above all, waiting has been about the journey to come to a place of my own

A place where my confidence is not dependent on others

A place where I love myself regardless of a significant other

A place where I am comfortable with the men in my life as they treat me like a lady and teach me about other men

A place where a smile is just that, a smile and not a sign that he is in love with me

A place where I do not feel the need to flaunt myself or make my presence felt though I am sometimes tempted to

A place where I can confront myself, mistakes and flaws…and imperfections…

And in waiting, I have come to the conclusion…

That that which is meant for me will not pass me by

Or be as difficult as the love relationships I wanted desperately

And so, planned and plotted to make them happen

If I had to do it all over, I would wait again

No regrets, no questions asked

Just learning to wait…