Learning To Breathe

Breathe No Matter What's Going On Around You or In Your Life
Breathe No Matter What's Going On Around You or In Your Life

The year is still fresh, we are practically on the verge of the second week of January and I would like to believe we are all fired up and ready to go. At least, that’s how it is supposed to be.

But what do you do when in the first week; things are coming at you from every angle? You do have to wonder and ask yourself, I thought, this ended last year? I thought this joker died last year? But the case is the reverse and you still have to deal with same old, same old issues and jokers.

A new year does not mean everything is new. A new year does not mean all challenges and pending issues have been resolved. Okay, maybe, it will give you a new approach or at least, you can come up with a new strategy to resolving it. You may even find or meet someone who has had to deal with the same thing and they can give you tips on the best action to take.

It is still important that you learn to breathe and take things as they come. I have just been moaning to my sister (A friend, who became family) and when she was done listening. When she was done listening, she said, B, just relax. I responded, relax? She said, ‘yes B,’ relax and then started laughing. And to add insult to the injury, she tells me, see, I know how to shut you up. Heaven knows, she the only reason she got away with it is because she is older. And of course, she reminded me why I must relax and added, ‘B, breathe!’

I am really trying to breathe, you know, inhale and exhale like I am supposed to but my mind is racing with a million thoughts at the same time and it really pulls you down into the dumps. But when you have no control over what’s going on outside, you can control what’s going on inside. So, I am off to practice my breathing exercise as recommended by my big sis. I know I need to because the consequences of not doing so are far greater than doing so.

And I hope you learn to breathe too, no matter what’s going on around you.


Have a great weekend.

Image:  Google/The Slow Coach

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