Dear Nigeria

Dear Nigeria,

Now that you’re 50 years old, I wish you would wake up and get your act together. It is appalling that you have taken a backseat in the affairs of your life.

I would like to know, what do you have to show for half a century but a convulsed existence laced with a turbulent history. Your children are known world over as conmen of the highest order, best defined as 419ers and ‘Yahoo, Yahoo,’ boys. I wish those of us who work hard didn’t have to bear the burden of a name created by a few. We have no basic healthcare, electricity or fuel, yet we are one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of oil.

While I don’t blame you for your misfortune because you signed your existence away to a minority clan of clowns who purport to be political leaders, yet, fail to realise no one is following them. I do wish you would fight and take back your dignity. These men and women are nothing but a bunch of insensitive people who cannot feel the anguish etched in the national psyche, nor do they realise the pain and shame they have caused you.

NigeriaOne of your sons recently added “terrorist” to the labels by which we are referred to. We are now subjected to extensive checks when travelling, I wish you would stand up and fight for us. I wish you would stop being so passive and get active on matters that have to do with you. I wish you would stop being a spectator in the drama of your life and become the leading character, so others can follow you.

I believe its time you decide your own fate and what it is that you want to do. I am tempted to call you an ‘ashewo’ that cannot make up its mind about the customer to go with. Hence, you live for the now and your life forever remains in the balance. But how long can you continue to keep up with this attitude of indifference? You are neither hot nor cold but remains as unstable and unpredictable as ever. Maybe if we knew what you wanted, we would be able to cater to your needs but we don’t because you signed yourself over to a bunch of idiots who neither know their left or their right. How then do you expect me to believe a word that comes from their mouth or follow them?

As it stands, we don’t have a president but an ‘Acting president.’ The one you gave us is gravely ill. For over two months, there has been no word from him. Maybe I am naïve but how can he lead from a sick bed? From New York to London, Nigerians are demanding answers. You are practically a failed state, but your children remain hopeful and resilient. I say it is great to be hopeful and resilient for I see that resilience in myself and that makes me proud to be your daughter in spite of the shameful past and present chaos.

Read My Opinion piece for

Re-branding Nigeria: When Enough Is Enough

  1. No one really seems to know what is happening in the country right now. All the politicians and power brokers appear to have their hands tied in a way that is not so obvious. Who could have imagined all this?

  2. I am sure no one did but I also think it didn’t have to get to this point where we now seem like a bunch of people who don’t know where they are going. The constitution needs to be amended if that is what it takes to avoid future events of this nature. A thing like this would not happen in the US or the UK…i know America could not make up its mind about Bush or Al Gore sometime ago but they had a process that got it resolved. We don’t and that is what’s missing and needs to be fixed. I hope this is a chance to grow and learn and not lead to more play about….the politicians say their hands are tied, they too can untie it if they stop being so power drunk and self centred, and think about the good of the nation rather than playing games with the destiny of the nation…it all seems like a cat and mouse thing and people taking sides because they stand to lose a thing or two…just my anger and 2 cents…

  3. I can really feel you. Its like everyday there’s a new twist to the story…sometimes i wonder how a country that is 50years old can still be laden with issues only common among new born countries….I still stand with the thought that we lost our independence too soon.

    I think it really is a case of selfishness and obsession with power. If each of those men up there would decide to work for the bettermnet of the people and the nation, things will change fast. That’s one thing the heroes of the past were willing to do…make sacrifices, but the interest of the nation before theirs and if honor comes along the line, all well and good.

    God, please help us!

  4. I am from South Africa. I pray that there are good Nigerians. Every day we read about Negrians committing crime in South Africa. Are there any signs from the past in your country that are similar to what is happening in South Africa. Maybe we can learn from your experiance and mistakes of the past we are a young democracy but things are starting to go wrong.

  5. Albert,

    There are good Nigerians and great Nigerians. Anyone committing crime in South Africa is in the minority.

    Many of us like to work for what we have…it was not always like this, however, which society is cancer free…

    And of course, South African media like all media outlets when they write a story from the point of view of their nation, the other guy is the bad guy…I can tell you that…I am a journalist and point of view/objectivity is crucial but objectivity is a facade on many different levels…as human beings, we can be biased.

    I am not saying there aren’t people doing wrong but it is hyped up as always to make the name corrupt nation stick…there is corruption but we all not all bad…you know what they say, takes a few bad eggs to make the other look bad…

    As for your country’s young democracy…hmmmm, all societies have their days and this could be a defining moment in your history, so let me ask you, what are you doing to make your voice heard?

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